Friday, October 17, 2008

Dissent Up - Side - Down

The expression of disagreement is an interesting topic for me to consider in vew of the fact that my facility is up for sale. I think of it as "waiting to exhale" as rumors fly, business declines and employees are look for other jobs, all the while waiting for "the announcement" that another operator will take over - talk about a rich communication environment. Management initially put on an up-beat facade, assuring everyone that another company will quickly step up. Four months, and one financial crisis later, assurances have tapered to quiet anxiety. Most employees blame upper mamnagement for souring the organizational climate for the patient referrals that are the bread and butter of the facility, as well as forcing out a number of dedicated staff members. Upper management are probably wise to direct mediated forms of dissent upward, in hopes of being transferred to other company locations, while line employees can only make their frustration known to each other. A few months ago 9x12 framed color hotographs were hung on the wall of the main corridor. As I walked by I heard one employee say to another..."its the hall of shame."

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