Thursday, October 2, 2008

Struggling to be Heard

The point about drowning in a sea of organizations attempting to stand out reminded me of the ubiquitous phone number acronyms. When companies first started using slogans as part of their telephone numbers, they really stood out. Today, businesses seem to feel the must have a number with a message - any seven letter abbreviation or acronym is fair game. The consequence of such copy cat marketing is exactly the opposite of the intent - it's hard to remember any of them. Originally most of the slogans attempted to sound professional or caring but in order to distinguish themselves some businesses make a point of using acronyms that sound corny or even amateurish.


violet said...

I did not know that companies initially used slogans as a part of their telephone numbers. I cant really imagine how that was done. But the idea seems interesting and sure it must have stood out but i guess like the text book says that consumers dont really care about what the company has to tell about themselves.Consumer could care less about these things as there are many other things they would rather do and be of interest to them.

Mansoor said...

Nowadays it's a common sighting to see the slogans or at least a part of the company's name as the phone number. Speaking on behalf of the companies who do so, I’d say that they have devised a creative way of making people remember their telephone numbers. It is common knowledge that we tend to remember names more easily than phone numbers so this works out in their favor rather than as a drawback. People would rather call the number they can recall than look for it high and low. It not only makes things easier for the consumers it also works as a smart marketing technique.