Sunday, October 5, 2008

Workplace Relationships

As the book pints out, workplace relationships serve many different functions. Currently, my company has placed our facility up for sale, after several rounds of downsizing. As you can imagine the "communication climate" is fraught with tension and anxiety, as well as anger at the management that has caused this situation (think echos of the current financial crisis). Workplace relationships can defuse some of the tension, as employees share their concerns and engage in the supportive dialog that has been absent from management. Part of that communication involves network with people who hold multiple jobs, in order to prepare for a scenario of the facility closing altogether.

1 comment:

Professor Cyborg said...

There's been some interesting research in "survivors" of downsizing. Those who are laid off sometimes experience less stress than those who remain. The latter group may feel guilty about staying, but often have more work to do so are more stressed as they try to keep up with additional responsibilities. Layoffs can also fracture relationships as friends leave the company. Maintaining your work network during layoffs is important, especially when you start looking for another job.