Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dimensions of Cultural Difference

One of the dimensions of cultural identity cited in the text is "individualism-collectivism" (p. 82). The gradient refers to the amount of authority that can be exercised over subordinates. The United States is an example of a high individualistic society, while Asian and Latin American countries are closer the collectivist end of the scale. One interesting situation to study would be what happens when one type of culture is imposed on another, by force - as happens during war. When the fighting ends, but the victors stay, how do people reconcile themselves to the new system? One example of this was WWII, when Russian troops continued to occupy Central European countries for 45 years after the war. While it's easy to start fresh with children who are in school, it's much more difficult to transition a population of adults to a new way of thinking.

1 comment:

Ibirapuera said...

Somehow your comment is related to my friend’s parents experience in the United States. After a month in the U.S. her parents enrolled themselves in an ESL (English as a Second Language) course. In one hand, her father finished his summer course; in another hand, her mother quit the course right upon its start. Both perceived the experience to learn English completely different. To her dad, learning English was vital to enjoy his staying in the U.S. the most; to her mother, there was no need to learn English, furthermore, she considered it too complicated, and her husband would be around her to help anyway.

Maybe it would be easier for children to adjust faster to this situation experienced by my friend’s parents. Like you said, it's easy to start fresh with children who are in school; it's much more difficult to transition a population of adults to a new way of think. None of them came back to Brazil fluent in English, but her daddy certainly accomplished more in terms of learning than her mother. His mind was more opened to the new, and this fact facilitated things for him.