Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Organizational Microclimate

Although our virtual classroom for Comm 244 is not an organization in the traditional sense it has developed a "climate" of its own through our interaction. When the course started we were all strangers, with few preconceived notions about each other based on appearance, gender, age, etc. Soon thereafter, people choose to reveal more about themselves by posting images, or selecting graphics that are suggestive of gender (pictures of men predominate). Another dimension of our communication has been the posted comments, which have served to organized informal groups. After a while, you begin to notice things: posts that cite personal experiences get more comments than the ones that talk about "theory" or, you check certain people's posts first because you enjoyed some of their earlier comments. In this way, we are creating our own organizational climate.


Professor Cyborg said...

This is my fifth time teaching BUS/COMM 244 online and each time different norms and ways of doing things develops. Although I provide the main structure for the class, students also develop their own practices for interaction. I'm experimenting this semester with blogging and the wiki. The blogs definitely change the communication climate because, as you point out, students can post images, choose different layouts and colors, and personalize their blogs. When I used blackboard, that wasn't possible. I controlled the look and feel of the course. Now students have more freedom to develop their online identity. For me, that changes the climate in ways that I think are positive. Students seem more invested in the blogs because they more clearly represent who they are, and in turn, students become more invested in the class.

Anonymous said...

I've never taken an on-line class before and I have grown to like it. My communication with other classmates has mainly been through comments on other peoples blogs, and it is interesting to see how the class has progressed. At first, I was a little timid and shy because none of us have “officially” met. Looking back, I think it is much easier to get a clearer picture of people's personalities. You mentioned profile pictures and personal information. I eventually caved in and posted some information about myself as well as a picture. I think this class is going in the right direction.